The Two’s Class at Asbury Preschool is led by two co-teachers. It is suitable for children aged 24 months-3 years – children move up to the next class at 3 years old. To ensure that your child is properly guided through the program, we maintain the teacher to student ratio at 1:6 with up to 12 children.
Goals for our Twos
Our two’s program emphasizes confidence building and language development by encouraging children to turn their emotions, thoughts and ideas into words and sentences. Specific program goals:
- Become comfortable with using the potty
- Gain confidence in using a spoon and cup
- Help with putting sleeping things away after nap
- Increase vocabulary through communication, reading, songs and finger plays
- Use words to communicate with each other and adults
- Learn self-help skills such as dressing themselves
Our two’s engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor age-appropriate activities everyday designed to help them develop physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially.
- Participating in a daily lesson based on the week’s learning theme
- Listening to stories
- Singing, dancing and acting out songs
- Art projects with teachers
- Free-play with friends in the room’s centers including quiet corner, science, blocks, dramatic play, manipulatives/fine motor, art and sensory
- “Reading” books in the cozy corner
- Active play in Asbury Preschool’s large indoor play spaces
- Playing in the sandbox with shovels, buckets, and sand molds
- Navigating the play structure independently
- Playing with friends in the playhouses
- Using with outside toys like trucks and balls
*Detailed daily schedules are available from Asbury Preschool’s Director upon request.
Parent Communication and Involvement
Daily reports are sent home every day and cover everything from how long your child napped and how much they ate to activities enjoyed, diapers changed/tries on the potty, and any other pertinent announcements. At the beginning and end of the day, one of the co-teachers will be available to talk with you about your child’s day.
Special Class Features
- Sand/water table in the classroom
- Weekly music class
- Optional weekly Soccer Shots
- Outside water play in the summer